Our family is now on the same page with our new way of being organized. I like it because it gives everyone a way to do what needs to be done, without being told by someone else. Makes it more like a group effort instead of a struggle. So I will be writing about this often and making note of any changes that we make with our new system.
I call it de-stressing my life and it feels Good! :)
My husband made 2 small loaves of Paw Paw Bread, I have to tell you it smelled heavenly just before coming out of the oven, but I was so full from dinner, I just didn't have room for even a taste(not to mention I am on board with Bunny Berrys 100 day raw challenge). So I just watch everyone else scarf the bread down. Then this morning my husband starts to visit the bathroom, a lot...4 times before we leave the house....So the moral of this tale is- when using native fruits, use a modest amount in your recipes or prepare for a good cleaning out of your innards :)