So I have a Membership to the Y.M.C.A. Its only a couple blocks from where I live and it has a great wet and dry sauna. ( 2 separate saunas) The wet one really cleans out your pores and I stay in there long enough to give my pores a good cleansing sweat, then I go into the dry sauna and finish it off with a deeper sweat.... I come out and my skin is so soft and glowing. If I am even starting to break out I like to spritz my face with colloidal silver. My two teen boys have really liked the benefits of it when they have zit attacks!
Winter will be here before long and when I cannot walk outside because of the weather, I will be at the gym workin on my fitness :) I shall work out every day because it is time that is just for me and as a busy mom, I think I not only have earned the right but deserve it! I am taking care of myself because no ones going to do it for me and I have to live in this body while I am here :)
I will take a picture of the Capitol steps, I walk up and down them between 10-15 times and let me just say it is rearranging all the junk in ma trunk and thats not a bad thang :)