I am aware that I often neglect myself, on some important levels...I am not perfect, and I don't have all the answers and I do make my fair share of mistakes as I go. But I try to learn and be open to the lessons. The Universe prods me now and again to make the time and space to focus on nurturing and encouraging myself. Its not that I am opposed to giving myself permission to do this, I am just generally running around doing things that need to be done and in the process do not make adequate time or plans to be as loving and care for myself as I should.
The days will always come and go....and I am left with the present moment...The big Here and Now. Negative impressions created in the past can be replaced with more positive impressions. doing that helps me move forward with a sense of inner peace and self acceptance, as I continue living my best life.
Wanting to make changes in your life and then doing your best to achieve those changes is a Choice...
Wanting to make changes and do nothing, other than being lazy or complaining or worrying or blaming others or any number of useless things like that is also a Choice...
Staying firmly rooted in unhealthy activities of any kind, is also a Choice...
Everyone has the Right to make their Choices, and Live by those Choices they will indeed, I know this from my own experience to be true...However I don't judge...whats the point? I mean, how can I love myself unconditionally if I am going around putting conditions on Loving others? I don't have to like what someones choosing...but I don't have to drain my energy and be all judgmental either...again thats my choice and my way...it helps me love myself more and in return I feel that I am able to give and receive love much easier...and that 2nd part doesn't always seem easy...
Its OK and Neccessary to:
Love Yourself
Accept Yourself
Honor Yourself
Approve of Yourself
Heal Yourself
Be Yourself
Recognize these truths daily...as often as you need to, because you owe it to yourself!
Find the tools that will help you with all your choices and create a beautiful life for Yourself!
The people who Love you will naturally benefit ( if they choose to) :)
You have the right to be happy...so be true to yourself and never, never give your power away by making your happiness dependent upon others...You choose to be happy...make yourself happy first and share with others the gift of YOU and they will most likely do the same..... :)
We are better than anything that comes gift wrapped!!!! We are the Gift...You are the Gift and Together we live in the Present Moments of Love...non stop...Your Choice...My Choice...Ours...
Learning to Love without Limitations
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