Do you ever get the feeling like sometimes you are just trying too hard...I am sure we all do. I have just recently come to a place in my life where I have discovered that it is NOT necessary to fill my time up with endless activities just to feel like I am doing something purposeful..thanks to a sweet and wonderful lady I will call G...I have re-connected with the focus of just being present, just breathing and giving attention to the space I am creating around myself every moment. Destructive or negative energies have only one purpose for me and that is to remind me that if I am disturbed, I am not being present, and only I can correct that situation by being present, by focusing and re-connecting to my inner peace...and its there inside of me, its always there...and it seems that only I can shut myself down or open myself up....I have found the following to be my truth, which is, that no one else is ever to blame if I am angry, or distraught! Its up to me to keep my balance no matter what is going on around me or coming at me....I find myself open to making changes in my life like never before...Changes in the way I say my words out loud, and silently to myself...changes in the way I create my reality...making choices that support my dreams and intentions to follow my bliss and live a life of limitless prosperity and abundance...Because its all there, available to me...beauty and balance at every opportunity....and by opening myself up to reality, to realizing that I am the ONLY one responsible for the CHOICES I make....Can I live the life of my dreams.
Never Give up and NEVER Give in!
Be Fearless and Live the Life of YOUR Dreams :)
with luv from Reno
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