Saturday, March 14, 2009

I've been Thinking

Feeling good and Eating good~essential for Daily for Transformation!
Raw Rice on a bed of Spinach with Garlic, Tomato and Onion Sauce...Very Good! :)

I know, I know...this could be dangerous right?! hehe...its all good. I have had a couple of blue days, where I just felt homesick and stuck....and Food, Raw food just seemed...kinda boring. I know-gasp-and shudder to think such thoughts, but hey it happens. This is Reality, some days you are just gonna feel this way! But I have made a very important mind/body connection and its nothing new but it is really important...You have GOT to move your body! This is sooo important, because it gets everything in you moving, juices flowing, energy pumping and moods elevate when you move your body. Everything just looks and feels better when ya get off yer rump and shake the blues off...I have been doing it by bicycling...yes it hurts, I am not used to it, but guess what, it hurt a lot less today than it did yesterday, and with any activity done consistently its going to hurt less each day and your going to feel stronger! You can do it through Yoga...I LOVE Yoga, its the best way to really center and strengthen yourself from the inside out...I really think its worth it to find the yoga style thats right for you, so go out and just give it a go, its totally worth it! You can Walk...I love to walk and its the best way to get out of your house, out of your head and enjoy fresh air, hear the birds go tweet, tweet and then when you come home you can get on twitter and tweet to everyone the fact that you did something good for MOVED your body...You know it's that special, ya only get one per life kinda body...ya gotta take care of it, because it does soooo much for you and lets face it-you wouldn't have a life without it (that we know of)! No one is saying you have to go out and work yourself into a frazzle...its not the fitness craze of the 80's and 90's I'm talking about here...just take small steps, EVERYDAY! you owe it to yourself and lets face it, if you don't make yourself do it no one can do it for you...putting it off only makes it harder and you DON'T want to go down that road...its no fun, trust me :)

So by moving that body you will find that eating some raw, high raw or all raw is just so gosh darn just fits in so much better, because it seems to make it easier to make better choices and to continue helping yourself. Plus all the Endorphins pumping through your brain doesn't hurt either. Get High on Movement and Get High on Raw Food...because after that it just offers a greater Ability for you to be Totally High on Life and that is the best High there is!!!! Bar None :)

Be Fearless and Live your Dreams!

with Luv from Reno


Polarity Lineage said...

What a refreshing post! Your style with no self-consciousness and such a stream of good reminders meets me right where I'm at.

To bed now for tomorrow is my body pump class and hatha yoga.

That raw rice dish looks extra scrumptious on my juice feasting. I must get the recipes for 90 days from now LOL.


Margo Ameera ♥ said...

thank You Cindy...I am so gald you visited my blog and enjoyed it! Hugs