Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh Dear


Its been awhile since I posted last and anyone who has ever followed any of my blogs has probably figured out by now that I am not the most consistent blogger, but I do hope that my content makes up for my lack of timely posts :)

As per my goal to be fit by 40, I have taken the opportunity to have a bit of control over my life concerning my personal freedom. I am at an age where I really no longer have the interest of rearing and raising more children. I have such a rich and wonderful life with the 3 children I have that I cannot see the purpose of wearing myself out with more pregnancies etc...So I opted to have a copper IUD inserted on Dec. 1st 2008. I have had a rough couple of days following the procedure, but so far I think my body is responding normally to the foreign object now residing inside of me and I do hope that it gives me the peace of mind that I need to enjoy being intimate with my life partner. This is a big step for any woman to take, and I chose the Copper IUD because I have a very sensitive system and felt hormones pumping through my body would not be right for me. I know the odds of this method and find it acceptable. I wish sometimes it were easier to prevent pregnancy but I realize that humans are just hardwired to pro-create....its what our bodies want to do, despite what our heads or hearts think or feel....but I am calling the shots, not my body and I think that's a good thing!

Every Woman who is interested, will have to decide what method of birth control is right for her and her body and her lover too. This is a lot to consider, but unless you want babies flying out of you right and left, its a worthwhile endeavor. Take your time and never let anyone pressure you into using a method you are not comfortable with. PS I think its also wonderful if the Man is willing to have a vasectomy...its far less painful and intrusive for the man, than for the woman. But costly and you need to wait 3 months to see if it has taken, so yeah...nothing in life worth having is easy huh?!

In the all comes down to doing the best you can with whatcha got! :)

Here is a much more detailed letter that I emailed to a friend about my experiance with the IUD. I hope to help, not scare anyone...

Oh, gotcha! Let me give ya the info then :)

I posted about my IUD here

There are a couple of links on there you can check out too concerning IUD against other methods...


Have I been in pain?....hmmm well I am going to tell you what happened to me, I didn't post this information.
Monday about Noon I had it put in at Planned Parenthood. Because we are broke ass crackers :) didn't cost me anything but I left them a $15 dollar donation. The doctor said it was about a $1200 procedure. Took no time at all and the procedure although slightly uncomfortable a time or 2, was pretty quick and painless.

I came home and feeling slightly crampy like period cramps...I proceeded with my day as normal just moving more slowly. I ate a normal dinner of venison sausage and veggies with tortillas, than took 4 200 mg of ibuprofen, at 7 pm. around 8:30 I sat down at my computer to check my e-mail, I started to feel crampy and uncomfortable followed with a wave a nausea...then started to fee light headed and seeing little lights and hearing started to leave, I put my head down towards my knees and slowly sat up and walked towards the kitchen to get a drink of water and started to pass out again, walked to the bathroom and yes, almost passed out again, I weakly called for help and my husband and roommate got me out of the bathroom, sat me down in the living room, and it was pretty blurry by then, I actually passed out for a few seconds then came too but was pretty out of it and they put my coat on me and took me to st Marys hosp. they kept me over night cause my blood pressure was pretty low like 72 over 55 - etc... they ran a whole gambit of tests on me cause my chest hurt too like I had been running in the they wanted to make sure I wasn't having a heart attack or a pulmonary embolism...yeah, the doctor scared me, so I let em shoot me up with nuclear meds to take pic of my heart and turns out I am uber healthy, and although heart disease runs in my family, evidently I am not even close to showing any signs of future heart disease. I scored very high on my stress test and have no blocked arteries etc....thats the only good that came out of all the tests...I am very healthy and my heart is great.

now back to the IUD...I am still very tired and it comes on quickly. I have been in bed practically all day and night since Monday night at the hosp. My cramps are not too bad, and the nausea has pretty much subsided, though it still comes from time to time, usually accompanied by stronger feeling cramps. I felt really good this morning, got up, walked around, swept the living room and then I just got hit with exhaustion and I am now in bed. I have been kinda scared to eat very much because I don't want to tax my system so I have been drinking a lot of liquids and am still drinking green juice which seems to help. I don't feel nearly as crampy when I am not eating much....

I have been feeling like perhaps I was hasty to have the IUD put in, but It seemed cheaper than a $700 I am thinking hey, let HIM get his stuff fixed, He would be just fine after the, I am feeling pretty much helpless, cause when I feel that exhaustion, I really just don't want to move....really, like not even roll over...

OK....if that hasn't scared ya off, I know a woman who got pregnant with the copper IUD....she tells me after I do it of course :)

I do feel that this is a safe and practical method, but the adjustment period sucks balls, and she said that her periods were not the same as before, they were heavier, longer and more painful.....this kinda freaks me out, cause my periods are almost always quick, easy and fairly painless.....

So I am going to see how I feel over this weekend and if by Monday I am not feeling more normal, and able to go about my day doing my normal activities, then I may well opt to have the darn thing removed...oh also the pain and discomfort is worse at night and it makes my teeth feel really weird from time to time, I think its the copper...

This is what I experienced...I do hope that its much better for you if you give it a go....just take it easy, I cant emphasis that enough!

I hope this helps, every woman is going to respond different, but if this doesn't work I think I am going to use the sheets of spermicide...only draw back to that is after you put it in there ya gotta wait 15 min, and if by some strange chance its gets in your will make your tongue numb ( as told to me by a reliable source ) :) so any interesting foreplay should be done before the sheets are inserted....

I have probably given you way too much information...but that's kinda how I Roll :)

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Im 38, I've had my IUD a year now after my baby and... I'm ready to be me again... This copper thing is the pits!