of 4 pm today I am no longer suffering from the Copper IUD that I had inserted on Monday. Why? This morning I woke up feeling OK, than started to steadily feel like crap, cramps, nausea and light headed...a week in bed is not what I signed up for! I spoke with my family doctor a wonderful lady doctor who said that I should NOT be feeling like I had it taken out, It was painless! My body temp warmed up right away, I was no longer headache is so much better...cramping is very slight and my mood is well, pretty great...I am smiling again and feeling more like my normal ( slightly crazy) self :)
So what have I learned from all of this? I have come to realize that my body is going to communicate with me, regardless of what I want or think I need. I honor this communication no matter what! I will find the way that is right for me when it comes to birth control....I will not be in a hurry and will research all my options most carefully from now on. To all you Ladies out there: Take your time and listen to your body...don't hesitate to reverse a procedure that is not working for you because you are far more important than the procedure itself!
Thank You & I hope this helps others who may be facing this challenge in their life :)
That is crazy. I've had quite a few friends who have had some type of issue with birth control. One girl's teeth started to fall out due to the shot. I gave up pills and all that mess like 8-9 years ago. I just can't do it.
Margo...the whole birth control issue is such an important one. It is really difficult to make the right choice, and that choice can be different from woman to woman. I am thankful that you had your IUD removed if it was causing all those ridiculous symptoms. Sending you good vibes for wise decision making.
Love you!
Thank You so much for your comments and Big Hugs!
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